Julian Klauza

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Differences between ready-to-use products and antifreeze concentrates – the best way to dilute concentrates

Ready-to-use product or concentrate? – this is a common dilemma of anyone who plans to buy glycol. In this article, we have prepared tips to help you choose the right type of glycol and dilute the concentrate properly so that it does not damage the system.

Basic differences

In the antifreeze industry, glycol is available in two forms – as a ready-to-use product with a specific freezing point and as a concentrate that has to be diluted by the user. Concentrates contain the raw material (usually at a concentration of around 90-94%) and various additives. Ready-to-use products consist of a base raw material (at a concentration corresponding to a given freezing point), demineralised water and additives protecting against corrosion, microbial growth or precipitation of sediment. From an economic perspective, it would seem that concentrates are the best choice, as they can be freely mixed with water. However, in fact, it is not so simple, as incorrect dilution of a concentrate can do more harm than good.

Concentrate dilution

Although ready-made, safe products covered by a warranty are available on the market, installers often opt for concentrates, considering them to be the best choice to stay within the budget. However, such shortterm calculations are not accurate. The costs resulting from incorrect dilution of the concentrate can ultimately be much higher and eat up all the money saved on buying the cheaper solution. The basic mistake when diluting concentrate is mixing it with ordinary mains water, which contains such minerals as iron, magnesium and calcium that can eventually build up in the system in the form of deposits, leading to lower efficiency of the system and increasing its operating costs. In addition, concentrates are often mixed in incorrect proportions, as a result of which the additives lose their protective properties. This means that although the initial investment outlays may be lower, ultimately the operating costs of the system will be much higher.

How to properly use concentrate?

Concentrates are by no means inferior to ready-to-use products provided they are diluted properly. Concentrates should preferably be mixed with demineralised water, free of elements that may form deposits. Concentrates can be diluted to a maximum concentration of 30%.

return 2021-10-13