Julian Klauza

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Laboratory tests of antifreeze fluids. Why and when to perform them?

Laboratory testing of antifreeze fluids is indispensable to ensure their performance. Antifreeze fluids used as a medium in such systems as heat pumps, solar collectors or heating systems prone to freezing have a number of chemical properties that improve their performance. As a manufacturer of antifreeze, we would like to discuss the ins and outs of laboratory testing of antifreeze, factors that affect the durability of this type of fluids, and the possible consequences of disregarding this important step. We encourage you to read the article!

Factors that affect the service life of antifreeze fluids?

As antifreeze fluids based on glycol, glycerine or potassium formate are multi-seasonal solutions, their effectiveness is affected by many factors, including:

  • Type of system
  • The initial condition of the system in which they are used
  • Fluctuations of ambient temperature
  • Base of product

Taking into account significant variability of the mentioned factors, the frequency with which you should replace your antifreeze will vary, in the range of… Well, it depends. In theory, antifreeze should be replaced after 6-10 years of use. However, fluid testing may show that it is still in good condition and does not need to be replaced yet. On the other hand, if you buy poor quality antifreeze, it may turn out that the fluid needs to be replaced after 3 years of use. This highlights the importance of regular fluid testing.

Consequences of using used (regenerated) antifreeze

Using a contaminated antifreeze with limited efficiency can lead to a number of problems with the system in which it is used. These include:

  • Increased rate of corrosion of structural materials due to the degradation of anticorrosive additives and biocides
  • Increased crystallisation temperature
  • Reduced system efficiency
  • Increased operating costs

Types and scope of antifreeze testing

What can be done to avoid the above-mentioned consequences? The answer is simple – replace the fluid in time. We mentioned earlier that the fluid should be replaced every 6-10 years. Within this period of time, you should pay special attention to the condition of the fluid and send it for laboratory testing. Which can help to determine its condition.

Based on the tests, the laboratory issues an opinion on the suitability of the antifreeze for further use or, recommends its regeneration or complete replacement and disposal, depending on the case. Regular laboratory testing of antifreeze fluids should not be disregarded. Otherwise, you risk reduced efficiency of your system, increased operating costs or even damage to the devices.

return 2022-10-11