Julian Klauza

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Energy efficiency of refrigeration systems: the key to savings and sustainable development.

In the era of rising energy prices, strategies and processes aimed at reducing energy demand while maintaining high refrigeration system performance are becoming an obvious choice. Although focusing on energy efficiency may be less spectacular than investing in modern photovoltaic panels or wind farms, it is crucial for companies striving to reduce operating costs and achieve sustainable development goals.

From the beginning of Procold’s existence, one of the main goals was to establish technical partnerships with leading manufacturing, trading, and service companies to support them in achieving their goals related to efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing the impact on the environment. We operate in this area every day, providing high-quality antifreeze fluids for use in refrigeration, heating, sanitary installations, etc.

Key steps towards refrigeration system efficiency:

Selection of the proper fluid: Understanding the requirements of a particular installation and selecting the appropriate antifreeze fluid for heat transferis the first step. These fluids have a direct and long-lasting impact on system performance, energy consumption, and installation lifespan. Ideal operation of the refrigeration system should be characterized by minimal energy consumption, longlasting durability of components, and minimal impact on the environment.

2. Adapting products to your needs: Procold offers products specifically adapted to specific applications to meet the requirements of a given system. This allows for the selection of optimal solutions and maximization of system efficiency.

Antifreeze fluids based on glycol and other Procold brand products are adapted to work in refrigeration, heating, heat pumps, solar collectors, and air conditioning installations.

3. Monitoring of antifreeze fluids: Often neglected maintenance of installations and the lack of periodic tests can lead to problems such as advanced corrosion, biological contamination, or sediment formation. These factors negatively affect heat transfer efficiency, pump efficiency, and energy consumption.

4. Procold Laboratory: Our company has its own laboratory where we conduct chemical and microbiological analyses of fluids used in refrigeration installations of our clients. A proactive approach to fluid analysis allows for early detection of problems and the implementation of remedial measures before the fluid efficiency and installation condition are compromised.

5. Proper installation maintenance: To optimize system efficiency and minimize operating costs, Procold offers a wide range of products, such as flushing agents and corrosion inhibitors, in addition to antifreeze fluids.

Procold’s innovative product:

Factory Gly is a revolutionary, eco-friendly antifreeze fluid that can be used as a substitute for propylene glycol, allowing for savings of up to 30% of the costs associated with purchasing the refrigerant.

To learn more about the products, services, and energy efficiency of fluids offered by Procold, contact us by clicking here. We will be happy to help you optimize the efficiency of your refrigeration installation and minimize operating costs.

return 2023-04-13