Julian Klauza

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Antifreeze fluids in solar installations: the key to efficiency and durability of systems.

In the era of increasing ecological awareness and growing interest in renewable energy, solar collectors are becoming increasingly popular. Solar installations for heating systems allow the use of natural and unlimited source of energy – the sun, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and lowering operating costs. In this article, we will discuss the role of antifreeze fluids in solar installations, their properties and significance for the efficiency and durability of systems.

1.Why are antifreeze fluids important in solar installations?

Solar collectors enable the conversion of solar radiation into thermal energy, which is used to heat domestic water and water in the central heating system. In order to efficiently transfer heat between the collectors and the tank, a heat transfer fluid is used. Antifreeze fluids based on glycols play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency of the system even at low temperatures, preventing the fluid from freezing and damaging the installation.

2. Glycol in antifreeze fluids.

Antifreeze fluids in solar installations are most commonly based on either ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. Ethylene glycol offers better thermodynamic properties, but it is toxic, so special care should be taken during its use. Propylene glycol is environmentally friendly, making it more eco-friendly, but may have slightly lower thermal efficiency due to its slightly higher viscosity.

3. Properties of antifreeze fluids.

A suitable antifreeze fluid should meet several basic criteria:

  • Appropriately low freezing point, providing protection to the installation even in extreme conditions.
  • High boiling point, allowing for efficient system operation at high temperatures.
  • Good thermal conductivity to ensure fast and efficient energy transfer.
  • Chemical stability and resistance to corrosion and the deposition of impurities.
  • Low viscosity, allowing for unrestricted flow of the fluid in the installation.
  • Compatibility with the materials used in the installation’s components and seals.

4. The selection and maintenance of antifreeze fluids in solar installations

The choice and maintenance of the appropriate antifreeze fluid for solar installations depend on several factors, such as local climatic conditions, type of solar collectors, materials used in the installation, or manufacturer’s requirements. It is necessary to carefully study the technical specifications of the system and seek advice from experts to choose a fluid with optimal properties for the specific installation. You can learn more about choosing the right fluid in one of our previous articles.

Regular maintenance and quality control of the antifreeze fluid are extremely important for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of the solar system. The glycol concentration, pH level, and physicochemical properties of the fluid should be monitored. If necessary, the fluid should be topped up or replaced with a new one, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. We have also dedicated a separate article to this topic.

5. Conclusions

Non-freezing fluids based on glycols play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and durability of solar installations. Their proper selection, use, and maintenance have a significant impact on system performance, energy savings, and operating costs. Therefore, responsible management of non-freezing fluids is not only important for optimal system operation but also contributes to environmental care and sustainable development.

6. The role of antifreeze fluids in sustainable development

Proper management of antifreeze fluids and the use of environmentally friendly solutions, such as fluids based on propylene glycol, contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment. The use of fluids with a lower environmental impact and proper handling of used fluids, such as recycling or disposal, are important for the sustainable development of the renewable energy sector and for the lives and health of users.

7. The future of non-freezing fluids in solar installations

As the solar energy sector continues to grow, antifreeze fluids will continue to play a crucial role in maintaining the performance and durability of solar systems. The growing environmental awareness and the development of innovative technologies may lead to the development of increasingly advanced and environmentally friendly antifreeze fluids. In the future, we can expect new products that will even better protect solar installations from damage caused by low temperatures while also being beneficial to our environment.


Antifreeze fluids are an essential component of solar installations, ensuring efficient transmission of thermal energy and protecting systems from freezing and corrosion. The choice of the appropriate fluid, its application, and maintenance are crucial for maintaining the efficiency and durability of the installation. The increasing ecological awareness and innovation in the field of antifreeze fluids will contribute to further development of the solar energy sector and reducing its negative impact on the environment.

return 2023-05-09