Julian Klauza

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What is the lifetime of antifreeze fluids in your system?

Are you planning to buy glycol for your system and wonder how long it will last? Or maybe you already have a system with an antifreeze fluid and you just want to know when it should be replaced? If you have any doubts regarding the efficient use of glycol, make sure to read this article.

What are the factors that affect the service life of antifreeze fluids?

The service life of glycol in the system depends on a great number of factors. First of all, the system in question must be clean. Otherwise, filling it with an antifreeze fluid would be pointless. Sediments in the system can quickly block filters and reduce thermal conductivity. Another important factor that affects the service life of a fluid is a proper choice of medium for a particular type of system and operating temperature. For example: if you use potassium formate for solar panels, the operating temperature of which often exceeds +100⁰C, the substance will disintegrate and salt will precipitate. Another common mistake is carrying out a pressure test by filling the system with mains water. When a system is not thoroughly drained, the remaining water can cause corrosion. Another bad practice is mixing glycols by various manufacturers. The substances can react with each other, affecting the quality of the medium in the pipes. Cleaning the system when replacing antifreeze is extremely important. After draining used fluid, the system should be flushed with a special solution and then filled with the new product. Diluting ready-touse products is not permitted. Diluting ready-to-use antifreeze fluids can reduce the quality of the anticorrosion additives and trigger the formation of deposits, resulting in accelerated fluid and hydraulic system degradation.

How to extend the service life of antifreeze fluids?

Fluid that is properly selected for the type of the system and operating temperature can be used in the system for many years without failure. If you thoroughly clean your system before filling it with antifreeze and conduct laboratory tests once a year, your system can run for up to 10 years on a single portion of fluid. Introducing good practices to your work will ultimately help you lower the costs of servicing and operation of your hydraulic system.

return 2021-11-02