Julian Klauza

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How to distinguish high-quality antifreeze fluids from counterfeits? A consumer’s guide.

Antifreeze fluids are essential for the proper functioning of heating systems, including solar installations, heat pumps, and traditional boilers. Unfortunately, counterfeit products, reconditioned fluids, and products that do not provide adequate protection or even harm your installation are also available on the market. So how can you differentiate high-quality antifreeze fluids from counterfeits? Here are a few tips.

1. Find information about the manufacturer.

High-quality antifreeze fluids are usually produced by reputable companies that have a solid market position and enjoy consumer trust (although exceptions to this rule exist based on our experience 😉). Check if the packaging contains complete information about the manufacturer, including the company name, address, and other contact details. If these pieces of information are unclear or missing, it may be a sign that you are dealing with a counterfeit product.

It’s worth researching such a company online. Google reviews, social media, and the website provide a wealth of information that can help you make an informed decision.

2. Check the certificates and documents.

High-quality products should meet specific quality standards and have appropriate certifications and complete documentation. When making a purchase, it is worth asking for a safety data sheet, technical data sheet, and the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH) certification (if the product is marketed as environmentally friendly). However, keep in mind that dishonest sellers may falsify such information, so it is advisable to verify them on the manufacturer’s website or with the relevant certifying body.

3. Compare the price. 

Although price is not always a measure of quality, a significantly lower price can be a signal that something is not right. High-quality antifreeze fluids come at a cost because manufacturers invest in high-quality raw materials, research and development, and quality testing. If a product is significantly cheaper than others on the market, it may indicate that it is a counterfeit or reconditioned product.


4. Check the packaging. 

The product packaging can provide many clues about its quality. High-quality antifreeze fluids should be packaged in tight and sturdy containers that ensure product protection. Check if the packaging includes a label with all the necessary information, such as composition, usage instructions, and warnings. Careless or unprofessional packaging can be a sign that the product is not genuine.

5. Analyze the appearance.

High-quality antifreeze fluids should have a uniform appearance, with no signs of separation or foaming. It is commonly accepted that technically oriented antifreeze fluids are blue in color, while environmentally friendly ones are green. Therefore, if you ordered an environmentally friendly fluid and it is blue in color, it should particularly grab your attention.

If the fluid has no sediment or visible impurities and has the appropriate color, it is likely a high-quality product. However, if the fluid has an unusual odor, color, or appears cloudy, it may be a sign that it is a counterfeit.


Distinguishing high-quality antifreeze fluids from counterfeits may require some effort and research, but it is crucial for the protection of your heating system. Remember to always purchase products from trusted suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that you are getting the highest quality product.

return 2023-07-04