Julian Klauza

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Antifreeze fluids versus tap water – key differences and their significance.

Antifreeze fluids based on glycol for heating, hydraulic, sanitary, heat pump, solar, and industrial installations are specially prepared products designed to operate in such systems, aiming to protect the systems. By using this type of protection, we can have peace of mind about our system. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the existence of such products and chooses to supplement their installation with something else—typically, ordinary tap water. Consequently, due to their ignorance or a desire to save money, they expose themselves to additional costs associated with malfunctions and a decrease in system performance.

That’s why today we will discuss what exactly distinguishes these two substances and why it is crucial to fill your installation with a specialized glycol-based fluid to protect the system, rather than ordinary tap water.

Antifreeze fluid – more than just protection against freezing.

Antifreeze fluid, most commonly produced based on monoethylene or monopropylene glycol, is designed not only to protect a given system from freezing but also to safeguard the installation from boiling. This is particularly crucial in solar installations. Consequently, unlike tap water, this fluid provides protection in extreme temperatures, both low and high. Additionally, each PROCOLD fluid is enriched with special additives that contribute to protecting the installation from corrosion, scaling, and other issues that could shorten the lifespan of the entire system.


Tap water – why it’s NOT worth the risk.

Regular tap water, although widely available and inexpensive, has significant drawbacks when it comes to its application in the installations we mentioned earlier. Firstly, its freezing point, which is 0°C, makes it unsuitable for use in environments where the temperature can drop below this value. Using such a solution exposes us to the risk of water freezing in pipes and their complete rupture. Secondly, tap water lacks additives that protect against corrosion or other chemical agents that positively impact the operation and lifespan of the installation.

So why do some people choose to use regular tap water instead of a specialized glycol-based fluid? From our experience, the two most common reasons are:

Lack of knowledge, as mentioned earlier, and a desire to save money. While customer ignorance can be understood, the desire to save a relatively small amount compared to the overall construction cost of the installation on a professional antifreeze fluid is more challenging to justify. Therefore, as a word of caution, we urge thorough consideration before deciding on the fluid to fill the installation. The desire for cost savings sooner or later results in a decrease in system performance, malfunctions, or complete damage to the installation.

If you need assistance in determining which fluid from our offer is suitable for your type of installation, please contact us – CONTACT. To deepen your knowledge about the world of antifreeze fluids, commonly known as “glycols,” check out our previous articles 😊 – BLOG

return 2023-12-13